
Check out the books Jackie has written.

Compassionate Living
One major source of emotional woundedness is not that we forget we’re Christians—it’s that we forget we are human! In Compassionate Living, Jackie Hudson unpacks our inside baggage and helps us re-sort our belongings. Some we throw out. Some we rearrange. Some we leave at the foot of the cross. It is a holistic approach that will launch you into a season of adventure and a lifetime of healing.Wayne CordeiroChancellor, Pacific Rim Christian College Consortium

Available on Amazon and other fine booksellers.

Doubt: A Road to Growth
Doubt is a companion to hope to faith. In this book, Jackie outlines the how in finding the freedom to believe.

Out of print, but available on Amazon.

Women, Abuse and the Bible
Edited by Catherine Clark Kroeger and James Beck. Jackie authored chapter four entitled, “Characteristics of the Incestuous Family”. Still in print.

Available at Amazon and other fine booksellers.